Nicky Krete
In Very Tales Nicky combines behavioural psychology, stories and creativity. Others would describe her as dedicated, empathetic, curious, energetic and creative. Her core values are love, freedom and clarity.
Nicky lives with her partner and two daughters in Breukelen, Netherlands. Nature is her greatest source of inspiration and being outside helps her to recharge. She has an international background as she has lived and worked in different countries around the world.
Behavioral Psychologist
Nicky has a passion for people and a genuine fascination for why they do what they do. She can listen, observe, dig and connect like no other in order to gain insight into behaviour. After studying Psychology at Leiden University, she specialised in Economic and Consumer Psychology (cum laude, 8.8) in order to become a behavioural psychologist. Look at Future Council for more inspiration about advice and research.
Insight into behaviour
Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Stories in many forms
She uses stories to positively influence emotions, thoughts and ultimately behaviour. Stories that initiate change. The forms in which these stories are communicated vary widely. Nicky has a personal passion for children's and family books, but also has expertise with social media, podcasts and magazines. Look at Publisher for more inspiration.
Strategic communication
Story being, - telling, - doing
Design and project management of various expressions
Inspired by children
Despite always looking for depth and meaning, she also likes to keep it light and airy. She likes to laugh — every day, all day long. Children inspire her to keep her communication and stories wonderfully simple with a sprinkle of magic. For more inspiration check the Future Council.
CoCreation with children
Designing and facilitating energetic and inspiring workshops
Want to know more?
In the first Very Tales children's book, she tells her own life story, which is for sale in the webshop.
In a podcast with Founders of Good, she tells more about setting up Very Tales and about the search for happiness with Het Ware Gezicht. Bij de Concept Academie is een gratis luistercollege waarin ze vertelt over hoe je met emoties je lievelingsdoelgroep aantrekt.
On YouTube you can see the item about Very Tales in an episode 'Zo kan het ook' of RTL4.