Since when is grumpiness or doom-mongering considered mature and professional? 🤨

Children have an innate talent for joie de vivre. And I never lost it. Fortunately, because we learn faster and better when we are happy (compared to anxious or forced). It is the best source of motivation. It is the natural state of humans. Until we grow up. Then gloomy is the only truth, positivity is unrealistic and others are very willing to remind you of the harsh 'realities of life'. Joy of life is dismissed as immaturity or frivolity 😒
Likewise with me. 'Young puppy' 🐶 was well-known feedback. As a result, I tried to adapt with a businesslike (read: dull, expressionless) poker face. I quickly threw it overboard. I choose to be happy.
And I wish that for everyone. So the next time you meet a happy person who is in your allergy zone because you are stressed or in a slump, take a deep breath and open your senses. Who knows, the joy of life of the other may also rekindle your fire 🔥