Jun 12, 20222 min read
Imposter vs. Pippi Langkous? Time will tell 😰
There we were. Dancing in the rain ☔️ Given the size of our family, it wasn't surprising that we hadn't spoken in years. And yet there...
Apr 27, 20224 min read
Tips for co-creation with children
'Nicky, how can we make our initiative attractive for children? 🤔 I get that question regularly. Because I work a lot with children and...
Mar 1, 20211 min read
Learn, but don't make mistakes 😳
Learn. Preferably every day, all day long. But learning equals making mistakes. And mistakes... I'd rather not make them. Intently,...
Feb 23, 20211 min read
Our ode to the daily grind! 🏆
The days seem a bit alike lately, don't you think? We have come up with something for that! The 4:00 pm disco dip. From our home office,...
Feb 3, 20211 min read
‘Follow the spark’ is the best advice I ever got ✨
No longer thinking about what you like, but feeling. And when I first look for a quiet space, it's easier to feel what works best. My...
Apr 14, 20201 min read
Very Tales broadcasted in 'Zo kan het ook' from RTL4 and RTLZ 📺
Leren van onze ouders en grootouders
Apr 9, 20201 min read
3 major milestones in 3 days’ worth a year of work 💥
Broadcasted on television, first published book and a brand new website!
Jan 15, 20201 min read
Nicky interviewed by Fox Geere 'Founders of Good'
‘For this amazing meditation on inspiration, bravery and connection, be sure to listen to this podcast with Nicky about Very Tales!’
Jul 14, 20191 min read
Launching Very Tales
Launching Very Tales